Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Why Purity?

Wikipedia defines purity: Purity is the absence of impurity or contaminants in a substance. The term also applies to the absence of vice in human character. Freedom from spiritual or moral defilement; innocence or chastity: "Teach your children ... the belief in purity of body, mind and soul" (Emmeline Pankhurst).
There's a lot of hype about abortion and Planned Parenthood right now. A lot of feelings and anger running amuck.
My son and I recently memorized these verses and I think they are appropriate....James 1:19-20 19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.
See, I think we are currently reaping what we sowed. And I don't think being loud and angry at this juncture is conducive to our desired end result. I think it is sin. And sin is always a heart issue!
Growing up I wasn't taught about purity. Sure there was a conversation about saving sex for marriage. But, in health class and sex ed both in highschool and college even though they mentioned abstinence birth control and STD's were given a lot more in depth review.  The hit show Friends was coming on the scene condoning living together and cheapening purity further. Because of a lack of purity teaching (and other factors) the world had a lot bigger voice in my life. We cannot allow the TV to raise our children and then be mad at the outcome. Because Hollywood nor the liberal media are fighting for purity.
It is our job to invest in the next generation, our job to fully accept the spiritual well-being of our children.
With this in mind I work very hard to instill purity in my children. I teach my kids daily that they are created in the image of God. I teach them what Jesus' death on the cross meant/means. I teach them what sin is and what purity looks like at their age. I have opened the lines of communication about our bodies and sex. J and I are careful about what we watch on TV, where we hang out and what we allow in our lives/hearts/minds. With my daughter I've already begun teaching her to dress and act modestly. All of these things we do so that when they are 13 we don't have to start from scratch. Hopefully they will be ready to just keep building their solid foundation. I don't want my kids to have to wonder and thus just follow the crowds aimlessly...I want to build them up and teach them to know the Lord themselves so they will know how to make decisions.
I don't know what the future will hold and I'm sure I am failing at many things...but I hope that having a game plan and strategy will reap an intimate relationship with Adonai.
We have to teach our children why we believe what we do and why we say no to certain things. I don't want them to fear legalism....I want them to yield relationship. Luke 6: 45 A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.

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