Sunday, September 21, 2014

My Son, my son!

For those that knew us when my son was small…and for those that are maybe walking there right now…I want to share with you some of the fruit. Don’t lose heart!

A while back a friend reminisced with me and told me about a time when they had left our home and she said to her husband I hope our sons don’t act like that.

My son, my son! He was such an awesome baby, so sweet and easy. Then there was about a year when he was 3’ish that I didn’t leave the house with him alone. If hubby or my mom weren’t with us, we stayed home. He was headstrong, and temperamental, full of energy and rambunctious and I was scared to leave the house with him, frightened he would run in front of a car or tear up the grocery store.

I took a nap with him daily just to have enough energy to keep up with him. He would go down for his nap and I would have my quiet time and then a nap, so that when he woke up I’d be rejuvenated for him. For a while we were in such a bad place that I made a behavior chart, I made it idiot proof so that there was no way he wouldn’t get stickers during the day. This was a great reboot for our relationship. The child is quick! I had to revive my disciplining daily. The same discipline didn’t work all the time.

Let me just insert, that it wasn’t always time to discipline. From the time he was born I have spoken life into him daily. On top of our daily devotionals and reading from the Bible and memorizing scripture, I affirm him. I tell him that if I got to choose I would choose him again. I tell him that he is my favorite: 1st and middle name. I tell him that I am proud to be his mom (and now he answers me: I am proud to be your son).

If you are in a difficult season with your kiddos, can I just encourage you that you are the right mom for the job. God determined at the foundations of the world, at creation that you would be that child’s parent. It was not a spur of the moment decision when sperm met egg. Think about this, at creation you were on His mind, all your days were written. Yes we have free-will, but that does not mean that anything surprises God, you never catch him off-guard. You are exactly the right fit for your child. If you are an adoptee or an adopted mom, I believe the same for you and your kiddos. God knows and He knew. He has uniquely gifted you with everything that your child needs. That does not mean that you will not make mistakes. But God’s grace is sufficient to walk through it.

It was a hard hard time. Can I just say that it was labor intensive! But, now the fruits of our hard work and consistency has paid off!

Here are a few recent stories that help to rejuvenate me as a mom. Because lets face it, being a parent is a full-time, always on, kind of gig.

His little sister is now in Elementary school and so she has joined the big kids church. The children’s Pastor praised him because he was singing (not the best singer he's ever heard) but singing with all his might with his hands raised and loving Jesus. And Pastor thought that was a great example for him to be living for his sister. Because she'll see many people but it'll be him that she watches…

His dad told him he had to ride in the front seat with his sister on his bus. Well another kindergarten girl's older brother won’t sit w her so he sits w both girls. I send them a snack and the other day he gave his to her. And told me I needed to pack more snacks because their mom doesn’t.

There is nothing that makes my heart swell quite as much as listening to him break out with a worship song.