Friday, August 15, 2014

Another Difficult Decision

People have been asking if I was ever going to blog again…it’s hard to string together sentences in the midst of a very difficult decision. And sometimes it’s easier to make a decision without the ‘help’ of others, so keeping it mostly to ourselves was the best way for us to do this.

I thought this blog would flow from the tips of my fingers, but I am using the backspace a lot, trying to keep my sarcasm and opinions on this subject in check.

We came to the decision that the kids are going to school on Wednesday. The princess is old enough for Kindergarten this year and that frees me up to get a job outside the home. I am very nervous and anxious about this decision and am hoping that we only have to use public day care until Christmas. I am hoping that we will be able to pay off a few bills by then and that we can start Homeschooling again in January.

While at WM the other day buying their school supplies, I was fighting tears and a desire to sit down and have a huge pity party.

For me it is an issue of faith on both sides! I didn’t want the decision to send them to school to be a lack of faith that THE PROVIDER would indeed provide and now that we made the decision I don’t want to lack the faith that THE CREATOR won’t keep my babies safe. I am trusting that God will honor my obedience in this and my desire to follow my hubby and allow him the freedom to lead us.

Tomorrow we will go on our last field trip with our homeschool friends for the foreseeable future, and we are very excited. There are so many cool activities planned this year that we will be missing, and I am bummed. But, I am excited to have a little excess in the budget and to pay down some bills. Because lets face it, in our move to come up here to get out of debt we created more debt and while all the bills get paid every month, they aren’t getting paid down very quickly. And we both feel strongly that we won’t know our next step until we have cleared up our debt. We both desire to be in ministry of some sort eventually and know that we must first be free and clear.