Sunday, November 11, 2018

Finding Home

Lately there seems to be a prominent theme in my study times: prayer and seeking 1st the Kingdom of God. Kingdom of God and His Righteousness is everywhere! At the women’s conference a few weeks ago, at the girls retreat a couple weeks ago, in the books I’m reading and the Chronological Bible I’m most of the way through. Prayer has been an ongoing theme for years, one that I always seem to be begging God for me because honestly many prayers bore me. But recently it’s been centering on believing as you ask for what you are asking about and not doubting. I mean the power that God says that we will have is just beyond my brain power. Jesus says to His disciples that they will do greater things than He did. I mean He raised the dead, He was raised from the dead, He brought immediate and complete healing, cast out demons, turned water into wine, the list is endless. But we are to do greater things than Him. MIND BLOWN!
I want to share some things because if I wait until they have been done to tell the story then it’s not really an act of faith its just a record of things that happened. We have been living kind of a transient life for 5 years now. So, the biggest desire for my family is to have a home. A home where we all have a room and have room to spread out. But also, a home that will accommodate the call we feel God has put on our lives, which is a story for another day. Several months ago, before our TN house sold, when we knew we couldn’t buy yet, but were so desperate for an answer, we went and looked at a place. I thought it was empty based on the pictures online. Turns out it wasn’t. J, never having met a stranger and able to communicate with just about anyone, gets out of the car to meet the homeowner who was doing a project in the front yard. I told him the kids and I would just stay put. I felt funny as is often the case when strangers are involved. Anyway, J had quite the conversation and I was waiting in the car, I felt like God whispered in my spirit: this is your home. Now, I feel funny mentioning this. I felt funny telling J and then my Barnabus and haven’t really told many people until recently. We have officially viewed this property twice now. J was not all that impressed. He has been going out of his way to draw up plans for a building project, a way for us to have exactly what we want. And while I have tried to be supportive and on board with the leader of our family, I keep going back to that house.
In the last week J and I have launched a campaign, a faith campaign. We are praying like it is already our house. We have listed our current property for sale. I am actively thanking the Lord for working out the details and finding a new home for the current occupants. I told 5 gals the other night at supper that we are actively believing God to have the deals done by the end of the year. The house will require work, so it won’t be livable by the end of the year, but I plan to be remodeling by the very beginning of 2019.
Today after church I told J that we needed to go pray at our new house. I am so proud of my man. He drove right over, and we prayed. But when the kids connected the dots they got whiney, turns out they aren’t excited. After explaining that they simply couldn’t overlook the mass of stuff around the house to see the potential that they would just have to get on board because they don’t get a vote.
Believe with us that we will have a home by the end of the year and that next year will be all that I feel in my spirit that it will be as He enlarges not only our territory but our family as well.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Present in His Presence

 A lot of people have been counting down until Christmas for weeks. Talk has been circling around putting up trees and decorations and Hallmark movies. You know, if you love the décor just put it up and don’t worry about what others have to say about it. But, be present. My parents were in Amway when I was younger, and they did a lot of self-help and motivational speakers, a thought they taught still runs through my head regularly: don’t wish your life away. Be here, now. If it’s a weekday don’t begrudge it not being the weekend. If it’s thanksgiving don’t begrudge it not being Christmas yet. It all circles around the premise of being present in the present.
It is November 1st. One of my favorite times! My daughter has been talking for months about the coming Thanksgiving tree and taking time out of our day to focus on being thankful. Oh, how it makes my heart glad to know that she has caught the bug. Of course, life with H is a constant game of charades. She keeps me on my toes as she starts describing little bits and pieces of things and expects me to be on the same page and know what is in that beautiful brain of hers. So, today, because I am not a great planner, I found colored printer paper and found leaf templates online and we started cutting out colored leaves. Then the kids went out and hunted acorns and twigs. We set up the vase that holds our Thanksgiving decoration and wrote on our 1st leaves of the month. My Barnabus has this phrase that some things are taught, and some things are caught. I love that!  I feel like I teach all the time, I turn most things in our life into little teachings and create life lessons to equip my children to become adults in the near future. But, just because I am doing my job of teaching does not mean that they are catching what is being thrown…After our time of devotion I had a conversation with E and asked him why this is so important and why we have turned it into a family tradition. He says to me that being thankful combats complaining and brings on contentment. He caught it. Proud momma moment!
I am not a fan of Halloween and am glad that it is behind us. I adore Christmas and can’t wait to be with family and friends and celebrate the birth of my Savior and to remember why we have this Freedom. But, I love this time in between as well and am determined to be present this month as we practice thankfulness. A time to enjoy the color of the leaves, a change in the weather, the cooler weather and layers of clothes, the excuse to drink hot tea and to snuggle under the blankets, cozying on the couch with the kids and a good book, a time to reflect on all that we have and how good the love of our Savior is to us. He loves us so lavishly!