Wednesday, July 9, 2014

If you build it they will come...

If you build it they will come…

Some of you may know that I have started a small group at my church, made it all official and opened it up to anyone…it’s Tuesdays at the Lake. But the surprising part of it is how God has grown my vision for it.

Many of you may know me as the quiet, reserved, introvert, stand offish, not chatty, hard to approach…all may be things that you have thought or said about me. So, imagine my surprise as God plants an extrovert’s passion deep into my being. I still do not know what it will look like or exactly where it is going…but here’s what I know: if God has planted it, there is a way and a reason. And I am excited to see where it leads.

My heart is for the women in this area. Being an ‘oilfield widow’ is tough in and of itself. Then you add in the lack of shopping malls (I know, some women dig these places, strange, right???) and museums or whatever it is that they left in their previous homes and come to a place with an outrageous male population and they are left with a bad taste in their mouths for this area. Women also have a hard time making friends. We are harsh and judgmental, we think we have to be perfect, we think many things, probably different for us all. But, one thing that we all have in common, whether intro or extrovert, we all need friends. God created us for relationships, it’s in our core to want to commune with others.

So, I have this desire to be a catalyst for friendships, hopefully life giving friendships. I have hopes that bonds will be formed and that in the fall maybe it will grow into a Bible study group, or maybe new welcoming committees will blossom. I hope to plant seeds of friendship deep into the hearts of women. I want women to quit leaving the area. Wouldn’t it be cool if the ration between men and women wasn’t so extreme? For me, God has given me roots here. It has been a long time since I’ve felt at home. Probably since I left FL all those years ago. For whatever reason, TN was never really home, just a stopping place.

Won’t it be cool to have running buddies here in this new leg of your life’s marathon? People to surround you and make you not feel so alone and homesick?

If you are local we’d love to have you join us on Tuesdays