Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A New Realization

Sisters! Walk into and embrace your inheritance. It is for this earth, not just for heaven.

I have a friend that in her insecurities often refers to herself as weird. The enemy is smart and conniving. For some he isolates, for some he makes busy, for some he deceives, for some he puffs up…his list is endless. But he desires to stomp out our fire!

Words have such power! So, even if ‘I am weird’ is just an awkward ice breaker, a self-deprecating throw of words. Words have power! We must arm ourselves with the Word of Truth and be careful what we truly believe. Because when we believe that we are weird…that’s how we act. Naturally we withdraw, naturally we second guess everything we say, naturally we think we are different than our sisters, somehow less than…

The Bibles says that we are His Beloved! The Bible says that we are joint heirs with Christ! The Bible says that we have been given a Spirit of power! The Bible says we are Redeemed! The Bible says we have been washed whiter than snow! The Bible says He will not leave us nor forsake us! The Bible says we are His Bride! We are beautiful, unique, created in His Image, wonderfully made, intimately known by our Father, we are cherished, precious daughters in His sight, created with a purpose, known since creation and designed specifically to our calling.

He didn’t wait until conception to know us! So, even if you think you are an accident…He knows you! He knew you before and designed with something awesome in mind. You are special and worthy of His love. I love to think about that. When He spoke the world into being, I was on His mind. He knows me, all my flaws, all my shortcomings, all my pride, all my sin…and He cherishes me, is quick to forgive, steady to redirect my steps, catching me when I fall, never making me feel like a heel – even when I’m wrong. Totally cherished!

And, sisters, that is not your husband’s job. He can never be to you what only Jesus was designed to be. So, if you are putting all your eggs in the basket of being a beautiful cherished princess bride…your husband is overworked and the expectations on him may cause him to crumble and fall under the weight. Fill that void with Jesus, let Him love you as only He can and then give your husband the overflow.